I made two great decisions in 2024 that dramatically enhanced my life and now I want to share them with you! Hint: Love & Money
Decision #1: Joining Conscious Girlfriend Academy
This was unexpected. I mean, I have a whole year long program on lesbian relationships. I teach this stuff--both in the community of women who love women and in my day job as an executive coach. But a few months after a heart-wrenching breakup in December 2023, I received a promotional email from Ruth Schwartz, the Director of Conscious Girlfriend Academy, about her upcoming attachment course. Reading this email, I felt naked. She was describing me, the relationship, my reactions to the breakup. I even wondered if perhaps my ex had a conversation with her telling her all these things, that's how on spot it was (she hadn't). It was then I realized I have so much more to learn. So I joined Conscious Girlfriend Academy (CGA) as a "deep dive" member. Yes, I wanted to learn everything I could about relationships--to better understand what happened and even more importantly, to prevent it from happening again. Their four week intensive on attachment styles alone was worth it. CGA is the largest lesbian relationship training organization in the world. Ruth Schwartz is not only the Director, but also author of the book Conscious Lesbian Dating & Love. This book will be the subject of the upcoming Lez Luv Book Club. See meetup for details.

Ruth is now launching one of her most popular courses: The Roadmap to Conscious Lesbian Dating & Love (12 weeks)!
Whether you are ready to date or not, or whether you want to heal and devote more time to self care, this course will help. It's not just about "finding the right person." It's about YOU becoming the right person.
Decision #2: Getting an Awesome Financial Advisor
For the first time in my life, I am not stressed out about money. It's not that I won the lottery. I have relatively the same amount of money that I did before. It's just now I feel more confident that I am doing the right things with my money and that I can enjoy my life without that constant backdrop of worry. It's what gave me the freedom to decide to live abroad for most of 2025! I owe this to my new financial advisor, Jennifer Thompson. She and her partner, Brenda, have a company Money & Desire. And they are offering a FREE training this Sunday at 2 pm EST, 11 am PST. I wanted to share this info with you.

The Ultimate Financial Reset. You will learn:
How to automate your finances.
Steps to build wealth sustainably.
Ways to stop feeling stressed about money.

Lez Luv Virtual Community:
I started Lez Luv (formerly Les Ladies) as a virtual community during Covid. We now have more than 1,000 women who are part of that meetup and over 2,000 on a new meetup I just inherited. As I am doing more tantra workshops and international traveling, I am stepping back from running virtual events. Thanks to Mari who is taking over the monthly virtual Singles Salons (3rd Sunday) and to Mary & Shauntay who are starting a book club in March, featuring Ruth's book Conscious Lesbian Dating & Love.
Coming Up in 2025:

I am returning to the Island of Lesvos, Greece for March-June, September-November. I will be again offering tantra workshops at the Women's International Festival in Skala Eressos on the island of Lesvos 7-20 September 2025, the biggest annual lesbian event in the world and the 25th anniversary of this remarkable festival.
Queer Ranch Festival in Skala Eressos 27-31 May 2025. I led a Cuddle With Heart workshop there last year, which was waitlisted, and hope to do the same again this year.

I will be at Women’s Camp on the island of Femø in Denmark July, 2025 and will be giving a few tantra workshops.